How are Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale Working with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut?

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) Opens Up Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale to work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut

ACA is helping drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers near me in Connecticut to get blue Cross Blue Shield addiction treatment rehabilitation services

Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut is a good insurance for substance abuse treatment in out of state cities like fort Lauderdale, Florida. However, this was not always the case. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) of 2010, also known as Obamacare, does a lot more than provide health insurance through the health insurance marketplace/exchanges. The ACA also provides specific requirements that all health insurance providers must adhere to. It remains one of the most controversial pieces of legislation passed in a generation.

In fact, The President and Republican members of Congress continue to fight to retract the entire law. However, if not for the ACA, it could be more difficult for drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida to work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut.

In this article, we will discuss some of the changes and requirements that the ACA made relevant to mental health and addiction treatment. We will also discuss some of the newer addiction and mental health therapies now covered under all “creditable” health insurance policies resulting from the ACA.

ACA Policies make it easier for Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut

Finding the best drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Fort Lauderdale that take Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut can still be a difficult task. However, there are many advantages that the ACA has made available. Among the most significant changes to health insurance initiated by the ACA are the Ten Minimum Essential Coverage.

What are the 10 Minimum Essential Coverage’s?

  1. Ambulatory Care (outpatient services not requiring hospitalization)
  2. Emergency services
  3. Hospitalization (including surgery and overnight room costs)
  4. Pregnancy, maternity, and newborn care (both before and after birth)
  5. Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy) and prescription drugs
  6. Rehabilitative services and devices to help people with injuries, disabilities, or chronic conditions
  7. Laboratory services
  8. Preventive and wellness services and chronic disease management
  9. Pediatric services, including oral and vision care (adult dental and vision coverage, are not considered essential health benefits [still not sure why]).

It’s important to note that the ACA definition of Minimum Essential Coverage requirements for all Marketplace plans is just that – minimal. Some plans may provide substantially more than the minimum coverage. Specific covered services in each benefit category will vary based on state requirements. It’s up to each individual health insurance beneficiary to understand the benefits of their particular plan.

Most worthy of repetition is number five above…

Mental health and substance use disorder services, including behavioral health treatment (this includes counseling and psychotherapy)

This provision ensures that as long as the ACA remains in its’ current format, substance abuse treatment centers in Fort Lauderdale will work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut. In fact, it has paved the road for The Source addiction treatment centers to work with other insurance companies like;

Effective Newer Treatments for Trauma is now covered by Health Insurance for Victims of Addiction

The Affordable Care Act states that all marketplace plans shall cover substance abuse services and mental health as essential benefits. This includes Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut with addiction treatment centers for rehabilitation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. That means that all plans must cover:

  • Behavioral health treatment, such as psychotherapy and counseling
  • Mental and behavioral health inpatient services
  • Substance abuse disorder/treatment

Specific substance abuse and behavioral health benefits vary based on the state and the actual health plan chosen. Every Marketplace plan must provide a detailed list of what the plan covers. This allows for an apple to apples Marketplace plan comparison.

As per ACA requirements, all pre-existing conditions, including addiction, mental, and behavioral health conditions, are covered with no spending limitations. This means that no one can be denied coverage or be charged more due to any pre-existing condition. Additionally, treatment for all pre-existing conditions begins on the day your coverage starts.

The ACA provides parity protections for mental health services. In other words, Marketplace plans must consider mental health and substance abuse benefits in parity with medical and surgical benefits. This essentially means that any limits applied to mental health and substance abuse services can’t be any more restrictive than those which apply to medical and surgical services. This is a primary reason why Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut.

Treating the Underlying Causes of Addiction Helps Promote Long Term Recovery

Identifying the underlying causes of addiction can be difficult and challenging. Most individuals suffering from addiction don’t understand their own addiction. These folks must endure hard work and therapy to address both the root cause of the addiction and the addiction itself. Most licensed and certified treatment centers have a clear understanding of what is involved and understand that the discovery process can be painful and complicated. This has been exasperated with the Corona virus and COVID-19 pandemic. The best Florida rehab centers fighting the Corona virus and heroin epidemic are seeing this first hand.

In many cases, the victims’ family history plays an essential role in their addiction. It has long been understood that addiction and mental illness can be hereditary. Where parents, siblings, or extended family members have battled addiction in the past, future generations have a higher risk of becoming future addicts or alcoholics.

The Source addiction treatment center treats their clients for trauma. In situations where a family history of addiction and mental illness are not apparent, some past trauma is often a root cause of addiction. Lasting psychological trauma can occur in addicts, causing significant damage to their inner consciousness. This frequently happens as a result of parental abuse or neglect, sexual assault, or other violent events. Victims often find refuge in drugs, alcohol, or in many cases, both.

Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut in Treating Trauma Based Addiction.

There are two primary types of trauma-based addiction; childhood trauma and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Childhood trauma often contributes to the development of trauma-related concerns. This may occur immediately after the trauma takes place or years later in life. Childhood Trauma substantially increases the chance of a patient being tormented by PTSD, depression, and substance abuse.

Some form of psychological trauma causes Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). PTSD affects nearly eight million American adults. Recent studies indicate that women are somewhat more likely to display symptoms of PTSD than men. It has also been suggested that PTSD can be hereditary, and it is even possible to develop PTSD, never having personally experienced a traumatic event. In the same regard, not everyone who experiences traumatic events will develop PTSD. Trauma is processed differently within each individual.

Trauma and its Dangerous Connection to Substance Abuse

Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut to identify the relationship between trauma with drug and alcohol addiction. Many individuals are dealing with substance abuse issues that are present with behavioral health issues. This in known as co-occurring disorders. This are usually present with drug and alcohol addiction.

In America, far too many folks who are suffering from the effects of trauma turn to drugs or alcohol abuse as a coping mechanism. There are a variety of substances that can create sensations of being strong and empowered, all the way to being calm and laid back. These feelings can be hard to achieve for a victim of psychological trauma without the aid of an intoxicating substance.

Every victim of trauma or PTSD has “reasons” that they might turn to drugs or alcohol. Some rely on benzodiazepines so they can feel relief from ongoing anxiety, while others choose stimulants for extra energy and focus, and still, others prefer opioids that provide a euphoric experience not attainable to them while sober. Then, of course, there is alcohol and marijuana, which helps trauma victims function and communicate in social settings, and allow for complete relaxation. The availability and reliance on these substances lead to drug addiction for many sufferers of psychological trauma. Before the addiction can effectively be treated, the underlying cause or psychological trauma must be identified and treated first.

For Victims of Addiction in Connecticut – Addiction Treatment Centers in Fort Lauderdale work with Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield of Connecticut

The Source drug rehabs Fort Lauderdale, Florida and Blue Cross of Connecticut is helping those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse.

The Affordable Care Act and its protections for people with pre-existing conditions were a long time in the making. It ensures that victims of addiction and folks with mental health issues are able to seek treatment in the same way would for any other medical condition. It prevents insurance underwriters from excluding those unfortunates whose problems are ongoing (pre-existing conditions). And it allows addiction treatment centers to employ new therapies that target the effects of trauma and provide long term relief. Some of the newer treatments and therapies may include, EMDR, RRT, Mindfulness, and many more.

The Source Addiction Treatment Center is located just a mile or so from the beach in Fort Lauderdale, FL. They are known for their luxury single-family home style of residential facilities that all feature beautiful kitchens, and many have private swimming pools.

Connecticut victims of addiction, there is no need to suffer any longer. Call The Source drug and alcohol addiction treatment centers in Fort Laudedale, Florida today. They can be reached 24/7 at (800) 204-0418.