Welcome to The Source Addiction Treatment Center & Our Specialized Programs Aimed at Treating Co-occurring Disorders
The fact that drug and alcohol addiction are at all-time highs is no secret. Among many other despicable things, drug companies have rewarded doctors for overprescribing dangerous and highly addictive opiates. Many people with co-occurring disorders have done nothing more than follow their doctor’s suggestions, only to end up in a hopeless state of addiction through no fault of their own.
The good news at The Source Addiction Treatment Center is that there is no such thing as hopelessness. Regardless of what someone may have done in the past, we welcome them as family as soon as they arrive here. And we know from our own experience that anyone who is willing to be honest with themselves and follow a simple treatment and recovery plan will succeed. Many of us have been in your shoes. We uniquely understand the loneliness and desperation because we have lived it. Now – we want to help you or your loved one who is still struggling.