Florida Rehab Centers are Adapting to the Corona Virus
As of May 1st, it has been reported that many Florida Rehab Centers are responding to the Corona Virus by implementing guidelines and procedures designed to minimize, if not completely halt the spread of the virus within their facilities. Due to the fact that people of all ages suffering from addiction may also have underlying health issues. Persons residing at Florida Rehab Centers are specifically susceptible to serious complications of the disease.
According to global health experts, the Corona Virus, which has been named Covid 19 originated in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019 and has spread around the world since then. More than one hundred fifty countries are affected and over four million cases have been diagnosed. As of this writing, over 280,000 people have perished from the virus including over 79,000 deaths in the US.
Since the virus is extremely contagious, many countries including The United States have been forced to shutter their economies and implement policies that include social distancing and quarantining.
Florida Rehab Centers Are Taking Special Precautions
Florida Rehab Centers are in a similar situation to other types of healthcare institutions whereas a top priority is to protect both clients and employees. The very heart of almost all drug and alcohol rehab programs, depend on interaction with other people. For example, individual and group therapy sessions are essential components to almost all recovery programs. Recovery programs encourage baby steps at the beginning along with strong interpersonal communications and the creation of meaningful personal relationships. Covid 19 challenges the ability to safely create and foster these relationships.
Some of the special precautions and safety steps being taken by many Florida Rehab Centers include:
- Daily Temperature Checks for all clients and employees upon entering
- Vitals taken three time per day for clients
- Multiple Hand Sanitization stations throughout clinical and residential areas
- Distribution of protective masks and gloves
- Distance and limited seating in all group settings
- Additional daily sanitization of all clinical facilities and meeting areas
The Need for Florida Rehab Centers has been Increased by the Covid 19 Pandemic
Florida rehab centers like The Source are taking special precautions.
The quarantining and required isolation resulting from the breakout of Covid 19 has created an even greater need for Florida Rehab Centers. It is well known that isolation of almost any kind is the enemy of addiction. People that are addicted to drugs or alcohol and resort to isolation, often have other mental health conditions that accompany the addiction. In fact; most experts and addiction professionals agree that the addiction is often just a symptom of the underlying mental condition.
For example; trauma is one of the most often identified underlying conditions for addiction. People who are victims of trauma often turn to drugs or alcohol as a way of medicating themselves or as a way to “eliminate” their pain. Trauma that occurred in childhood or even infancy can go undetected for years or decades. The pain is often tucked away deep into the subconscious mind causing uneasy feelings and bad thoughts. These unfortunate victims often resort to drugs, alcohol, gambling, and other self-destructive behaviors. The pain can be so great, that many even resort to suicide.
Additionally; Trauma can manifest itself for many reasons and in many different ways. Think of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This condition, which is a leading indicator for addiction can result from an event that occurred in childhood and has long been forgotten in the conscious mind; but is still alive and causing major distress in the sub-conscious mind.
This can be particularly relevant for women and to a lesser extent men that were victims of childhood abuse by a parent, relative or a family friend. The events can be so gruesome and devastating that the conscious mind totally deletes the memory, but these events never leave the sub-conscious mind.
Florida Addiction Treatment Rehabilitation Facilities Provide Help with Dual-Diagnosis
A listing featuring the top COVID19 triggers of substance abuse addicts.
People having mental health conditions combined with drug or alcohol addiction are considered to have a dual diagnosis. The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) defines dual diagnosis as follows: Dual diagnosis (also referred to as co-occurring disorders) is a term for when someone experiences a mental illness and a substance use disorder simultaneously. Many Florida Rehab Centers consider the treatment of co-occurring disorders to be critically important to a long term recovery.
The thought process of many recovery professionals is that if underlying conditions are not identified and specifically treated; the substance abuse is just lying in wait. Most of these professionals are in agreement that the addiction is merely a symptom of the co-occurring condition. Without a complete diagnosis and treatment of that specific condition the alcohol or drug abuse can be triggered by an unrelated event at any time.
Not surprising is the fact that isolation can trigger all kinds of thoughts, and individuals with undiagnosed co-occurring conditions are at an increased risk as a result of Covid 19. Most Florida Rehab Centers are aware of this and are incorporating additional resources to assist both current and future clients.
Warnings of Increased Risk of Covid 19 for Addicts
Many prominent professionals and government authorities have put Florida Rehab Centers on alert. People who are addicted to drugs or alcohol are at an increased risk of contracting the more serious and potentially life-threatening effects of the virus. In an article written on April 20, 2020; Peter Grinspoon, MD (a recovering addict himself) wrote for the Harvard Medical School “A tale of two epidemics: When COVID-19 and opioid addiction collide.” The article clearly states that “COVID-19 and opioid addiction — can impact and worsen each other.”
In another article published by government agency The National Institute on Drug Abuse, they emphasize that an addiction to drugs or alcohol “pose unique challenges regarding transmission of the virus that causes COVID-19.”
Perhaps the most important message being conveyed by the experts is summarized in an article published by HealthDay and featured on WebMD on April 1, 2020 written by Robert Preidt; “COVID-19 Crisis May Help Trigger Addiction Relapse.” The article confirms the important message that “The social distancing and isolation of the coronavirus pandemic may put people struggling with addiction at risk for relapse…”
How to Get Help from Florida Rehab Centers
Addiction treatment services for inpatient, IOP, and alcohol detox by Florida rehab centers
If you are an individual suffering from addiction and concerned about how the COVID 19 might affect your health, you will be relieved to know that many Florida Rehab Centers are open and available. They can discuss your situation, but the most difficult thing to do is to make that first phone call. Be aware that many people have been in your situation – scared to make that first call. Many of those people are now in long term sobriety and living highly successful lives.
Don’t let addiction and the increased risk of Covid 19 negatively affect you or your loved one any longer. By seeking treatment at one of the licensed and certified Florida Rehab Centers that are available to you right now; you can set yourself on a path to recovery, sobriety and a successful future.
The Source Treatment Center is a premiere Florida rehab center located in Fort Lauderdale and is one of the well-known Florida Rehab Centers that has taken additional measures to fight Covid 19 and implemented procedures to ensure every employee and client’s well being. They have a highly experienced staff of people just like you; most of whom are on their own recovery journey. From their caring addiction technicians to their unprecedented medical staff, they will welcome and love you through the duration of your recovery and aftercare. Call them at (800) 204-0418.