When you’re addicted to a specific substance, you will slowly but surely feel as though your life is revolving around this disease. Things that were once important to you will no longer seem to matter. Finances, friends and family members will be thrown to the wayside. In all, there will be one central aspect of your life: your addiction.

The Philadelphia addiction center team works with our clients to help them develop a healthier way of living. We understand the stress and chaos that addiction can cause and we recognize the fact that the impact is different for each person. From the moment that you reach out to The Source, we take the time to get to know you in every way possible so that we can assist you in putting together a personalized treatment plan that will help you to accomplish the goals that you have for yourself and your sobriety.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call The Source today.  Our treatment specialists are available 24/7 to discuss your options and help you find the perfect solution (800) 204-0418.

What Does Alcohol Rehab Consist Of?

One of the most common questions that we receive from clients that are interested in coming to The Source is what they can expect during their time with us. First and foremost, we do everything that we can to create a relaxed environment so that you can truly focus on getting the most out of your time with us. Every client that opts to work through our partial hospitalization program will be set up in one of our luxurious single family residence accommodations.

Our partial hospitalization program clients will participate in approximately 25 hours of therapy each week. When you’re not taking part in therapy, you will have free reign to enjoy all of the amenities that our residences have to offer. In cases, you will be within walking distance of the beach and you will also have the flexibility of going to different local 12 step meetings throughout the week. Remember, if there is anything more that we can do to make your time with us more successful, just let us know and we will do everything that we can do to accommodate.

First, Alcohol Detox – Then Rehab

Before you can think about working through a treatment program, it’s imperative that you go through the detox and withdrawal process. Many people who are ready to commit themselves to sobriety don’t realize that within just a few hours from the time they took their last drink, they will begin to experience withdrawal. One of the dangerous aspects of withdrawal is that the symptoms associated with the process are unpredictable. While you may experience mild symptoms, another person may experience something more severe or visa versa.

When you first reach out to us, we encourage you to be transparent when it comes to the severity of your disease so that we can set you up with one of our partnered detox facilities. For the majority of clients, we can arrange to get them set up in a detox program within 24-hours from the time that they reach out to us. You will need to spend approximately one week in detox with the height of your symptoms manifesting between the first and the third day.

Getting to the Root of Alcohol Addiction

In order for you to truly overcome your addiction to alcohol, it’s imperative that you come to an understanding of the root cause of your addiction. At The Source, we assist our clients in identifying the traumas in their life that may have triggered their addiction. For instance, it’s not uncommon for a first responder to struggle with addiction as a result of the calls that they may have responded to during the course of their career. Also, if you experience some type of psychological or physical abuse at any point in your life, this could also result in a form of deep seeded trauma.

Overcoming Addiction With Therapy

The focus of your time in our partial hospitalization program will be participating in different forms of therapy. Group therapy is one example of therapy that you will actively take part in throughout the course of your recovery. If you’ve ever been to a 12-step meeting, you will recognize the fact that a group therapy session and a 12-step meeting follow the same format in many ways. During these guided sessions, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts regarding different topics. One day, the topic may revolve around addiction and the next it may incorporate recovery. In turn, you will also listen to the opinions of others regarding the top of the day. By actively participating in group therapy, you will come to find that you and other members of your group may share similar opinions regarding the same topic. This will allow you to make connections with other people that are going through their own treatment program so you can begin to develop your own system of support.

We understand that you may not always feel comfortable talking in a group setting which is why we also give our clients the opportunity to speak to us in a one-on-one setting known as individual therapy. You will have the chance to talk about how you feel you’re progressing in your recovery as well as different aspects of your life that you may not feel comfortable speaking about in front of other people yet. You can also make any adjustments to your treatment plan during this time.

When you’re resolved to overcoming your addiction and making a commitment toward living a sober life, The Source Treatment Center team is here to help you. We have experience in helping clients from all over the country in leaving their addiction to alcohol in the past.  Do you have more questions about our partial hospitalization program? Are you ready to commit yourself to a new and sober way of living? Get in touch with us today at (800) 204-0418 for more information. We look forward to hearing from you and helping you. 


If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call The Source today.  Our treatment specialists are available 24/7 to discuss your options and help you find the perfect solution (800) 204-0418.