Top Rated Alcohol Rehab Program for Residents of Cincinnati
An addiction to alcohol is something that is cunning and heartbreaking. Every morning, you may wake up with the best of intentions of not picking up a drink for that day. However, as your day goes on you become more and more stressed and consumed by the thoughts of having a drink. This can result in your day spiraling out of control and ultimately stopping at your local bar or liquor store once again. When you get to the point where you’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired as a result of your addiction, there is help available. At The Source Treatment Center located in beautiful Fort Lauderdale, Florida, we help every client put together a comprehensive treatment program that can help you to address your alcohol addiction once and for all.
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call The Source today. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7 to discuss your options and help you find the perfect solution (800) 204-0418.
Inpatient Alcohol Rehab
There are countless people in the Cincinnati area who are unable to overcome their addiction to alcohol because of the environment that they live in. For instance, if you have a close friend or a family member that is struggling with their own addiction to alcohol, you may find it all but impossible for you to maintain your sobriety. A partial hospitalization program provides you with the supportive and sober atmosphere that you need during the early stages of your addiction recovery. The Source Treatment Center offers a comprehensive partial hospitalization program that gives you the opportunity to change the people, places, and things around you for a period of time so that you can truly focus on yourself. We will provide you with a luxurious single-family residence with an abundance of amenities that you can take advantage of during the time that you’re in treatment.
Outpatient Alcohol Rehab
Are you struggling with addiction yet you feel as though you’re unable to commit to treatment because of your work or school schedule? Help is still possible through an outpatient treatment program. One of the reasons why outpatient treatment plans are so beneficial is because it provides you with the opportunity to receive the addiction treatment care that you need without feeling as though you need to jeopardize your work or school responsibilities. If you need to change your treatment plan during the course of your care, simply let your treatment team know and we will do everything that we can to help you make these adjustments without putting you in a position of possible relapse.
What is Outpatient Alcohol Rehab Like?
Your experience in outpatient alcohol rehab will depend on the type of outpatient treatment program that you select. At The Source, we offer two unique outpatient programs. The first is intensive outpatient treatment. This treatment option requires nine hours of therapeutic treatment per week. This is a wonderful option for a person that may have part-time work, school, or personal responsibilities. The other outpatient option that you have is a general outpatient program. This treatment option requires a minimum of four hours of therapeutic care per week. The bulk of your time in general outpatient treatment will be split between outpatient care and in group therapy and individual therapy. General outpatient treatment is an excellent option if you have full-time work or school responsibilities.
What is Alcohol Rehab Like at The Source?
The bulk of your time spent in alcohol detox will be spent participating in different forms of therapy so that you can come to a better understanding of the root cause of your addiction. This is a critical aspect of your recovery journey because it gives you the chance to address a traumatic event in a supportive and caring environment. The main way that this is done is through actively and honestly participating in different forms of therapy. Examples of the types of therapy that we offer at The Source include individual therapy, behavioral therapy, group therapy, family therapy, and trauma-based therapy. Your intake team will be able to provide you with a broader explanation regarding what you can expect during therapy sessions once the details of your treatment program are worked out.
What Happens After Rehab?
It’s essential to remember that working through a partial hospitalization or an outpatient treatment program is just the first step in a recovery journey that will last you for the rest of your life. This is one of the reasons why The Source Treatment Center offers an Alumni Program. This program is specifically designed to provide additional continuous support to a person that has completed a treatment program. Participating in our Alumni Program allows you to interact with other people that can provide you with a certain level of support and also The Source Treatment Center team at least once per month during an extended group therapy session. Also, we will provide you with the chance to take part in sober-friendly events throughout the year.
Something that we also recommend is that you locate and attend Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in your area. You will notice that there are certain similar traits between AA and group therapy in the sense that you will share and interact with other people that have struggled with addiction. Continuing to develop your support system is key when it comes to maintaining your sobriety.
The intake team at The Source Treatment Center is available right now to help you to put the framework of your addiction recovery plan together. We understand the chaos that addiction can cause which is why we take a personalized treatment approach to every client that reaches out to us. Regardless of whether you would like to commit to a partial hospitalization program or you’re ready to begin an outpatient program, you can take comfort in the fact that our team will do everything that we can to give you the opportunity that you need to conquer your addiction once and for all. For more information about why The Source Treatment Center is considered to be one of the best alcohol and women’s rehab programs for residents of Cincinnati, Ohio, please get in touch with us at (800) 204-0418.
If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call The Source today. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7 to discuss your options and help you find the perfect solution (800) 204-0418.