
What are Opiates?

Opiates are a drug that is derived from opium. Opium is a substance that has actually been in existence for thousands of years. Although opium was used recreationally in the past, over the years the medical community determined that there are certain features of the drug that can provide pain relief which is why it’s used in main pain killers today. 

What Drugs are Considered Opiates?

There are several drugs that are categorized as opiates. Morphine, Codeine, Heroin and Oxycodone are just a few examples of drugs that are considered to be an opiate. If you’re taking a drug and you aren’t sure if it’s deemed an opiate, you can always reach out to our team for more information.

What is the Difference Between Opiates and Opioids?

The main difference between opiates and opioids comes in how the drug is made. For example, an opiate is referred to as a natural form of the drug because it’s made by directly extracting components of the opium poppy plant. Opioids, on the other hand, is a man-made substance. Although opioids can give a patient the same effect as an opiate, it’s considered to be synthetic. 

How Opiates Affect the Brain?

There are countless long term and short-term effects that opiates can have on the brain. Opiates trick the brain into believing that it’s feeling a certain sensation which can change your brain’s entire chemistry. Instead of the brain being able to produce certain chemicals naturally, brain cells may be destroyed which prevent the production of these chemicals leading to serious health and psychological issues. 

How Long Do Opiates Stay in Your System?

Opiates typically stay in the system for a number of hours. For example, if you have an addiction to an opiate, your body will begin to crave the substance again within just a few hours from the last time that you consumed it. The fact that cravings and, in turn, withdrawals are one of the top reasons why you should reach out to our team as soon as possible to arrange plans for a detox program.

How to Detox from Opiates?

It’s strongly recommended that you never attempt to go through the detox process on your own. The healthiest thing that you can do is to make the decision to come to our facility so that we can monitor you as you go through the detox process which will include experiencing certain withdrawal symptoms. When it comes to detoxing from opiates, a person may experience different types of withdrawal symptoms so it’s critical that you reach out to us right away once you decide to work toward your sobriety.

How to Wean Off Opiates?

One of the healthiest and safest ways to wean off of opiates is to take advantage of a medication assisted treatment plan. The detox facilities that The Source partners with offers this option which makes the process of withdrawal less traumatic and safer for every client.

How to Detox from Opiates?

The safest way to detox from opiates is to first work through a detox program. A detox program will provide you with the around the clock care that you need when it comes to experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Remember that detox symptoms are unpredictable so it’s critical that you remain under the care of a team that is experienced in handling detox symptoms.

Does Methadone Block Opiates?

Yes. Methadone can help to block the effects of opiates which is a reason why it’s typically used in a medication assisted treatment plan. We will closely monitor your consumption of Methadone so there is no possibility of developing a different type of addiction. If you have any concerns about this approach, just let us know so that we can provide you with more information.

Does Suboxone Block Opiates?

It’s important to remember that similar to Methadone, Suboxone is also a medication that is used to help our clients overcome their addiction to opiates. Keep in mind that Suboxone is not a medication that you should plan to be on for the rest of your life. However, it does help to block the effects of opiates during the initial transition into sobriety.