
Welcome to The Source Addiction Treatment Center & Our Exclusive Stabilization Program

Drug and alcohol addiction affects different people in different ways. For some, the addiction is so severe and significant, that they are incapable of holding a job or remaining in school. But there is also a group of people that are addicted to a substance and able to maintain what appears on the surface as everyday living. The medical term used for people with these circumstances is a “High Functioning Addict.” These folks can be working mothers or fathers, or active college students, where a two or three-month Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) would be impractical.  Another situation could involve someone who has already attended a residential treatment program but suffered a recent relapse. In all of these situations, the perfect solution is the stabilization program at The Source Addiction Treatment Center.

What Exactly is a Stabilization Program?

In a nutshell, the stabilization program at The Source provides a treatment opportunity where people can maintain their regular lives while still getting the help they need. Often, the affected person is the last one to recognize that they need treatment. They may be having issues either at home or at work that have been pointed out by loved ones or coworkers. They may have received a DUI (or more than one) and have court-mandated treatment. They may even have had violent outbreaks while under the influence, and are putting themselves or others in harm’s way.

In these scenarios, our stabilization program will provide two weeks of PHP intensive treatment after going through detox. During this two-week stay at The Source, clients in the stabilization program are fast-tracked through their “deep dive” into sober living. In two short weeks, clients will go through an intensive program and gain the tools necessary to resume everyday life so that they can continue treatment in the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at The Source.

Stabilization Treatment Plan

As with all treatment plans at The Source, clients entering the stabilization program will undergo extensive medical and psychological exams. The information gained in these initial screenings will be used to create an individualized plan that, at minimum, will consist of:

  • Individual Therapy
  • Group Therapy
  • Family Therapy
  • Specialized Therapy
  • 12 Step Therapy and guidance
  • Group Recreational Activities

The Source provides all levels of care, making our facility an ideal solution for these types of occurrences. We provide a family environment where each individual can objectively look deeper into what brought them here in the first place. We pride ourselves in being non-judgmental and genuinely wanting to help our clients get back on track. Our stabilization treatment program has paved the way for many of our clients to begin their recovery program and advance into IOP without giving up their careers or dropping out of school.

Get the Help You Need

Don’t let things get worse than they already are. If you or a loved one are experiencing troubling situations because of drinking or drugging, call The Source Addiction Treatment Center and let us help.

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Start Your Recovery Today

We truly believe that each client is an individual with unique life circumstances. We help the client recognize and correct the dysfunctional behavior patterns that have overtaken their existence and ultimately heal the pain of the past, so they can lead a healthy, addiction-free life.