Addiction is a complicated disease and can inhibit loved ones from seeing how their drug or alcohol use is affecting themselves and others. One way to help your loved one understand the impact of their addiction is to stage an intervention. In order to have an effective intervention, planning ahead and utilizing resources is crucial.
What is an Intervention?
An intervention is a premeditated conversation with a loved one who is struggling with addiction, with the purpose of encouraging them to seek addiction treatment. Interventions can look different for each family, however, all interventions should consist of the family setting clear boundaries and expectations while remaining supportive and respectful. To have a successful intervention, it is best to have a game plan in place and prepare everything ahead of time.
Tips for Planning an Intervention
The thought of addressing a loved one’s addiction head on can be intimidating and upsetting, but can be just what they need for them to seek the help they need. Remember, your loved one is worthy of a life free of addiction and by being supportive and understanding can go a long way in helping them achieve that. Here are some tips to help you get started with planning an intervention:
- Focus on the positives. By doing so, you are creating a loving and understanding environment where your loved one will be more receptive of your concerns. Do not blame or belittle them.
- Utilize family and friends to provide a unified front when having this conversation. If possible, involve their doctor, social worker, or any other clinical staff they may have in their lives. Think of these people as your intervention team; each person has a special and important relationship with the person and will bring their unique perspective and concerns to the table. You may also enlist what is called a professional interventionist. These are clinically trained and licensed individuals who can help plan, develop, and implement the intervention while maintaining the person’s dignity and self-worth.
- Create a plan. This involves picking a day, time, and location for the intervention. Be sure to pick a place you know your loved one feels comfortable in and if possible, avoid having this conversation when they are under the influence.
- Do your research on addiction treatment facilities and their offered programs. Be able to identify specific programs and how they can help your loved one. Don’t forget to read reviews from a variety of sources so you can get feedback from real patients. Another indicator of a quality treatment center is accreditations which should be easily found on their website.
- Often in interventions, emotions can get the best of us, so it is important to write out what you want to say. This way you know you are addressing all of your concerns. You may focus on how their addiction has impacted you or others in their life, but reinforce you are here to help and encourage them. Be direct and honest to the best of your ability. While this may seem silly, don’t forget to practice what you want to say so you are prepared on the big day.
- Set boundaries. Ideally, your loved one will be open to receiving treatment, but prepare yourself that it may not always be the case. Regardless of what they chose to do, be firm and direct with your expectations and set firm boundaries if necessary. Be prepared that they may not be in a place where seeking treatment is a priority for them and consider how this may make you feel or how you will react.
What Not to Do at an Intervention
Now that you’ve prepared for the intervention, here are some tips for what not to do:
- Avoid labels that might make your loved one feel invalidated or degraded, such as “junkie,” “addict,” or “alcoholic.
- Your “intervention team” should consist of only those who are close with the person to avoid making them feel like they are being ganged up on.
- Interventions by nature are inherently emotional, but it is imperative to keep your emotions in check so that you can share your concerns in a productive manner.
- Most importantly, do not attempt to have this conversation when the person is intoxicated.
The Source’s Professional Intervention Can Help
The Source Treatment Center is a boutique treatment center with luxury single-family residences that provides personalized care for everyone that walks in their door. The professional interventionists on staff will work with you to plan and implement your intervention and will tailor their treatment plan to fit their unique needs and circumstances. The Source will go above and beyond to ensure your loved one feels welcomed, cared for, and supported during their time there, but getting them there is the first step. With compassionate care provided from inquiry about their facility to follow up care after discharge, it is no wonder The Source has been accredited by FARR and The Joint Commission. To learn more about how our experienced interventionists can help you plan, call us today at (800)204-0418 or visit us online at